Friday, 27 June 2014

Roadtrip! (redux)

Roadtripping with Brad is a bit more of a chill affair than driving with Logan (aka Brad actually stops). And he let me choose the music the whole time, which was fun. 

As I've mentioned before, I love this drive through the Crowsnest Pass and up Highway 22 so I took loads of pictures as I always do.

Logan told me that he once saw the 18 wheeler in front of him tip up onto one wheel while driving this stretch of road - it wasn't that windy when we drove it, but it obviously can get extremely windy!!

This sign always makes me laugh, because on the other end, when you're existing Longview, it tells you that there are no services for the next 100 and some kilometers, which is crazy. No big deal for people just driving through (though you are gonna wanna make sure you have enough petrol to see you through) but I can't imagine what its like for the people who live on the farms along this stretch of the highway - they must be very self-sufficient to live so far away from any services.

It was a gorgeous day for the drive, with only a couple of bits of rain on what was otherwise a gorgeously sunny and blue-skied day. We got Tim Hortons before we left Kimberley so I was sipping an ice cap through the mountains (*sigh*).

Of course, we saw lots of animals along the way - mostly cows, but we saw the occasional pasture full of horses. And you know how much I love seeing the calves, and there were lots of them to see!

Its crazy how much flood damage is still obvious all the way down into the Crowsnest. Loads of rivers are still full of trees, and you can see where the banks got pulled down. The section of Highway 22 that fell into the river last summer has been fixed though, so thats good (though the section of road that has been super uneven for years and they were ostensibly fixing last summer has, I think, if anything gotten worse...).

And then we were back at the farm!

There was a brief storm, during which I read, and then I helped Christine chop some rhubarb. Dad and I watched a movie that night, and ate some baked mac and cheese that mum had already prepped for us (we were feeling rather spoiled).


  1. You have amazing skills at taking photos out of a moving vehicle! Seriously.
