Thursday, 19 June 2014

Farms 5eva

My first couple days at home I was sleeping in one of my Uncle Chris' spare rooms (as was Logan) but were spending most of my time up at Christine's farm at Connie and Brad's new cabin (which was very cute and much bigger than I expected it to be!)

One of the things that I always miss about Alberta is the landscape - there's just nothing quite like the prairies. I love the rolling hills, the spreading fields, and the snow-capped rockies in the distance. Highway 22 is one of my favourite drives for just this reason - though certain people (Logan) think its really boring, I just love it.

Look at that cute little cabin in the field - it was so cool to see it after watching it being built and all the little things that went into making it over on Connie's blog.

Though we didn't have any of those huge prairie storms that I love when I was home (you know the ones - all giant purple banks of clouds rolling across the sky, thunder and lightning, torrential rain, hailstones that, believe me, really hurt to get hit with) but the sky, as always, didn't disappoint.

Logan and Connie filled it some massive potholes that had developed on the road over the winter (driving up that road was like a very exciting and kind of alarming obstacle course). I helped by being completely useless and mainly wandering around behind them. It was great. Connie and Brad really have some beautiful scenery up at their new place.

Also, I swear Logan has gotten taller. I'm pretty sure I'm wearing my boots in this photo. What even. He is one of very few people I know who can legitimately call me short and have it be more than a superficial moniker.

Just a cute picture of Connie - aren't her glasses adorable?!

I also got my hair cut while I was home - the sides were getting really long. I went with the 1, which is what Logan told me he gets his sides buzzed to, so we really have the same haircut now, though he always wears a hat and also has naturally stupidly soft and straight hair. Jerk.

Brad was predictably horrified with how short the sides are, but I really like it this short.

The Canadian Geese that have been nesting at Chris' farm for a couple of years now made another appearance this year. They were frequently on the road when Logan and I were leaving in the morning and were 100% not fussed by the fact that we were driving towards them, but just ambled around.

I went down to the chicken coop with Lorry one morning to pick up the fresh eggs from underneath the hens - so cool!


  1. It was so nice to have you here!

  2. I really like that barn at Chris's. when He was having it built, I went down one day, and talked to the Young Fellow that was building it, I said, "now, when You are close to finished, let Me know, before Chris moves His Horses in; See in each of the "bedrooms" He has built Me a jewelry box and a magazine rack." ( I did know they were horse stalls with a box for oats and a rack for hay) Any way the Young Fellow looked at Me and said: "WHO ARE YOU???" Once I explained I was Chris's Mom, everything made sense to Him. We are good Friends!!!! {now} I LOVE YOU..... ;-) ;-) ;-) Mrs. Anonymous
