After mum got home, we headed into the city to do some shopping, and then stopped at the Dome on our way back to the farm. I was amazed to see how much the plants had grown in the two weeks since I had last been there - it was truly crazy to see. If you want to compare, my first post about the dome is over here.
It was so exciting to see all the peas and beans I had planted were already sprouting and beginning to crawl upwards - I am still kinda upset I won't be around to see the harvest, but I guess I will have to live vicariously through Connie's blog posts on the subject (not quite the same as eating peas off the vine but it shall have to do).
There weren't any berried on the strawberries I'd planted yet, but there were a couple of blossoms, so they should be coming! It was amazing how well the strawberries were doing, considering everything they'd been through before we planted them.
I was really lucky with the weather while I was home, especially since it snowed the week before I got there AND the day after I left (Alberta...).
Sadly, I think the dome is too hot for beans and peas. Although they both are growing, the peas amazingly quickly, they both look overheated, burned portions on the beans and curled leaves on the peas. The peas also do not seem to want to climb. They have little tendrils, but they do not grab onto the bamboo. Strange and interesting. The peas outside the cabin look much happier and the deer are enjoying them.