Tuesday 2 September 2014

URL Change & Other Random Things

As my time in the UK begins to wind down (maybe) I may begin to do some different things with this blog – while I will still likely chronicle my life and what I am up to, I will also be looking to do more reviews and other things in line with the types of jobs that I am applying for. In line with this, to make this blog inline with the rest of my social media, I will be changing the url to edenburned.blogspot.co.uk. So make sure to note that change!

Meanwhile, below the cut are some random things that I did between my previous post (career speed dating) and my next post (Canada Day).

I started doing some serious research for my dissertation (man, does that seem like a really long time ago)...

Enjoyed some very nice sunny days...

Killed off half a forest while printing off articles for my dissertation...

Got a haircut (there is nothing I love more than that freshly buzzed feeling!)...

Enjoyed some tea in my favourite mug on a particularly overcast day...

Grabbed some drinks with Maya and Fran at the pub right across from my flat one very nice day (apparently, The Canny Man is quite a famous pub. From their website: The Canny Man’s pub in Morningside is an Edinburgh institution established in 1871 and passed down through generations of the Kerr family)...

Discovered that I can fit two pairs of earrings through the first hole in my ear (a side effect of wearing big earrings all the time)...

And celebrated DRAGON DAY with Maya and Lindsey – we watched How to Train Your Dragon at Maya's before going to the cinema to watch How to Train Your Dragon 2...

Where we were very excited to see this Toothless statue (yes, we ARE adults... and also the oldest people in the theatre who weren't accompanying a child)....

And found a Mojito ice lolly at a local shop (YUM!)



  1. Change is in the wind Kyra! I look forward to the evolution of your blog.

  2. Will it be blogpot or blogspot? Just wondering. I have really loved your blog, it has made me feel that you are much closer than you actually are!
