Tuesday 9 September 2014

Moving (Round 3)

On July 14th, I moved from my flat on Morningside to my new place, a room near Becky and Leanne's houses. While I would have loved to stay in my Morningside flat, as it was a great location, super cute, and super affordable, my lease was up, and with my only option to sign another full year lease, I opted to try and find somewhere shorter term. Unfortunately, the majority of lets I found were only looking for someone for July/Aug, and very few were more open leases. However, eventually I found Brenda, a lovely lady who was looking to let her spare room, and after meeting and negotiating the terms of the lease, I had a new place!

For the big day, I did my packing the day before – I technically didn't have to be out of the flat for another day, giving me a bit of wiggle room for cleaning and whatnot. Becca came over with her car (which was SUPER nice of her and made the whole thing that much more pleasant) and we moved all of my stuff in two trips. While my new place was on the first floor, I did end up walking up and down the four flights to my old flat some 10 or so times that day (believe me, I was sore the next day). After all that, I took Becca out to lunch to thank her...

Before going back to my Morningside flat to clean. After that, I headed downtown to pick up a couple of things (mainly extra hangers) and also treated myself to a bev, as it was a rather hot day out.

This was one of my #100happydays posts. Connie commented that "it seems many of your happy days include a beverage!" to which I replied "I am heavily emotionally invested in iced drinks."


After a day of chaos, I was settled into my new place, and here I remain. After moving into my third place this year, I can safely say moving sucks, and I hate it. Unfortunately, it looks like I will soon be doing it once again...


  1. Ah, moving. I've done a bit of that. It sucks. Although I've never moved as far away as you have!

  2. Oh, I feel for you - moving three times in one year!
