For Canada Day in Edinburgh, Melissa and I invited everyone to join us in the Meadows for a BBQ and drinks...
The grocery stores sell these little one-use BBQs that people use in the meadows (there are designated use areas, AKA that little chunk of pavement in the middle of the grass, but a lot of people just use them wherever, though you can get fined for doing that). The BBQ is basically charcoal under a mesh screen, with this sheet lying under the mesh that is used to light the charcoal on fire. There are big disposal bins specifically for them at the exits of the park.
Everyone was late. And Melissa and I didn't remember we didn't have bottle openers until AFTER we bought our beer, so we had to wait for our friends.
My terrible attempt at a patriotic manicure...
The City of Edinburgh allows the consumption of alcohol in public places but under a by-law, anyone drinking in public has to stop if asked by police. But basically everyone drinks in the meadows, and since it was such a nice day, there were quite a few other groups out in the meadows, drinking and BBQing.
Melissa attempts to hide her pale, pale skin from the sunlight.
I tried.
The coolest kids...
All of the Americans came out to celebrate with us, though Maya and Jordan were very late (Lindsey was there for quite a while though!). I asked Maya if they were doing anything to celebrate America Day, and she replied "There's an America Day?"
No comment.
After spending the entire afternoon in the sunshine, we decided to head to a pub for *cold* drinks, and some food.
On Alix's suggestion, we all gave this Belgin beer a shot (it was quite tasty).
And pink.
I got a grilled mushroom burger and it was delicious. After, we all headed home, as the pub was starting to get quite rowdy with World Cup enthusiasts.
I'd like to know how your got your mouth around that burger? Love the manicure! A little BBQ and beverage out on the meadow sounds very civilized to me. What did you BBQ on that thing though, all I see are chips and drinks?