Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Jewelry Storage is a Bitch

I’m sure all of you have some awareness of the insane level of jewelry I possess. While a jewelry box might the conventional storage, a lot of my earrings won’t fit, and they’re pretty and I like displaying them. In Sackville, I sorted my jewelry into a variety of storage devices, including a martini, wine, and shot glass, a shallow glass dish, and a little box, hanging my necklaces from a hook.

At home, I used a corkboard to hang earrings and necklaces, and a lovely DIY earring frame my mum made me for the rest.

So, with a huge pile of earrings, I was looking for a way to store them here. My temporary solutions was to tie up ribbon and hang my earrings from those, but that just wasn’t working for me. Then, while going through the kitchen the other day, I happened upon an empty spice rack. I washed all the jars, and voila. Earring and necklace storage.

The plastic thing hanging above it is the bottom of a spray bottle - I was originally going to use it to put my phone next to my bed, as I don’t have room for a bedside table, but I then decided that I could just put my phone on the ground, and adapted the storage device for more jewelry (feather earrings are a real nightmare to store and move).

For those of you who were not privy to my facebook discussion of this, I went to rearrange the furniture in my room a bit, only to discover, when I moved my wardrobe, a cupboard built into the wall of my room. Both excited and sketched out, we speculated about why it was blocked off (the popular theories were hiding place for a dead body (my immediate thought), portal to Narnia, and some vague references to Harry Potter).

While the cupboard itself revealed itself to be really not sketchy, the panel of wall below it is, as it fell open as I moved the wardrobe (it was just propped against the rest of the wall) to reveal what I assume is part of the heating system. I asked my landlord, and he said the cupboard is fine to use, though it does get really warm inside of it, so I've been leaving the doors open to avoid melting any of my things (mostly my make up).

I moved my dresser underneath it though, making the hole in the wall be propped shut again, and it is very nice! Pretty much quadrupled the storage in my room: win!

Pictured: totally not sketchy cupboard. 


  1. Kyra Jensine..Now here is a "problem" that Your "old Granny" can totally relate to; and to add to it all, if it gets put away, where You (or Me) can't see it, You (or Me) "kind of" forgets about it. I wish I could find a "hidden cupboard"!!!!! Thanks for a BIG SMILE this morning, :-) You are right about the "feather earrings", but You do have some gorgeous ones so they are worth the the "night mare" Love You ;-) ;-) ;-)

  2. I LOVE that little spice rack...great re-purposing! :)
