My friends Caty and Tori arrived today from Glascow. They are on the last legs of a European tour (ten weeks down, two to go). I met them at the bus station, then we headed back to my flat, where we made some delicious lasagna, before heading over to a friends flat for her housewarming party. However, we didn't stay too late as we are going on a tour of Loch Ness and the Highlands early tomorrow morning - we leave the city at 8 in the morning and don't get back until 8 that night, so it will be a long but hopefully awesome day!
ETA: apparently forgot to actually hit 'post' last night. The trip was indeed awesome, but the post on it will have to wait until I actually have internet, as I took quite a few gorgeous pictures on my camera! However, as a bit of a sneak peak....
Your journey is just one amazing event after another right now! So glad I can see glimpses of it from afar, thanks so much for sharing! Love you!