Friday, 11 October 2013

Instagram, More Like InstaGLAM


Went on another tour of the highlands today. Will hopefully be getting internet back in the flat tomorrow, so I'll be making a post and putting up photos from the trip then. 

Until then, this is the link to my Instagram account, which is public, so you can see the photos I put up even if you don't have Instagram. I put photos up there that I don't necessarily put on the blog or Facebook, so it'll be something different if you'd like to stalk me further ;)


  1. Instaglam, for sure! The highlands holding some intrigue for you? Love the shaggy cows. :)

  2. KYRA JENSINE... I don't know about "The Highlands" holding some intrigue for You, but those "shaggy cows" certainly hold an intrigue for Me. Those big 'sad eyes' just say to Me, "Take Me Home for Your Pet". Must get on to "shovelling" the snow from Thursday evening, that even with help, I didn't get rid of it all yesterday ;-) ;-) ;-) Love You..... HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!
