Thursday, 19 December 2013

MIA & Christmas Travels

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. This week I had two of three major projects for this semester due, so it got pretty busy there for a while. But I handed the last one in today, and don't have to hand in the final project until Jan 8th! However, I am flying to London tomorrow morning, so I'm not sure how much I'll be posting for the next couple of weeks. My cousin Sam kindly invited me to come down and stay with her in Bath over the break, so I am flying to London, staying there in a hostel for a couple of days, then spending a week (including Christmas) in Bath, before heading off to Paris for New Years (my friend David is doing an internship there and invited me to come visit). So while I may not be posting over the break, I should have lots of photos and stories to share when I get back!

But first - some things I did (besides school) in the last week.

My tutorial group had our christmas party. We decided (at my suggestion) to do a yankee gift swap, but instead of random gifts, to buy our favourite book to put into the exchange. While my all-time favourite book is probably still To Kill A Mockingbird, most people have already read that, so I decided to put in House of Leaves which is, as you may have heard, the best book I've read this year. I told Kate I was getting it, so as soon as it was her turn, she grabbed it, but unfortunately Keira decided to steal it in one of only two steals of the night (the other was from me).

Every one a book!
However, we are all such nerds that I think everyone was pretty stoked... certainly not many people wanted to steal. Our main reaction seemed to be "Book! Mine not yours BACK OFF". Then we spent half an hour flipping through the books we got and barely acknowledging each other.

I got a lovely copy of The Hobbit from Laura! :D

Photo courtesy of Sergio
 From left to right: Lindsey (USA), Chentong (China), Laura (UK), Rachel (UK), Jonny(UK), Sergio (USA), Annie (UK), Keira (UK).

Photo courtesy of Sergio
 From left to right: Sarah (UK), Kyra (Canada), Kate (Canada), Steward (UK), Ali (UK), Sophie (France), Lindsey (USA)

Photo courtesy of Sergio
 Since we were basically the only people in the bar, the barman kindly agreed to take a group photo.

A large part of the rest of my week was spent both at school and hanging out in my living room by the fire (pictured) finishing up my Project Portfolio for Publishing in Practice (the book proposal, including market research, publicity plan, product rational, production schedule, design brief, cover mock-up, and sample pages) and my assessment for CreativeToolkit (redesigning a former Merchiston Publishing project - Detective McLevy's Casebook - including a cover, interior pages, and prelim pages)

Last night I went and saw The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (again) in this lovely movie theatre... not that its fancy or anything (awesome movie btw).


  1. I love the image of you all sitting (at a party) looking through your new books, nobody talking. Sounds like a wild time! ;)

  2. Kyra Jensine... Two days later and I am just discovering Your "post"; and I loved it. Pictures (of Your Friends and Fellow Students) are My favorite, and this posting had lots of them. Enjoy Your Holidays; Have a Wonderful Christmas and New Years, You will be seeing more of Your Cousins and "Auntie" than when You All lived in Canada!!! ;-) ;-) ;-) I love You...
