Sunday, 17 November 2013


So this post is just gonna be a random collection of a bunch of little things I've been up to the last couple of weeks. 

I want that teapot so much.

Went to Eteaket again the other Wednesday - it was just as awesome as it was the first time! If it wasn't so expensive, I would so be there every week.

Becky and I shared this particular tower of yumminess. We also both just sat there for a minuet taking pictures of it.

Brie and cranberry man.

 This wednesday was Robert Louis Stevenson day - a Big Deal in Edinburgh. As a class, the day before, we got a group picture taken with us all 'stached up.

Alix and Michele looking hella dapper
Suits me, no?

That same day/night, I was volunteering at a book launch, which was quite fun. Also we got to eat all the leftovers AND take home the leftover bottles of wine (speaking of, I still have my bottle of white in the fridge...). However, Sergio was the only who liked red, so he got to take all the red home...

 Then, after that was over, because I am a social butterfly, I went out to the bar to meet up with Group C who were hanging out at The Fountain.

My main takeaway from this entire thing is that I cannot spell moustache. And everyone pronounces it differently.

Alix's only friend.

Becky pretending to be a dinosaur. 
 While out looking at flats yesterday, I ended up with some time to spare, and spent it wandering around this cemetery and taking pictures. If you remember from my last graveyard-heavy post, the council is fixing the gravestones, so the ones deemed unsafe or unstable have been laid on the ground. This graveyard in particular really looked like it had been hit by some sort of heavy storm.

Also walked past the Caledonian Brewery on my way home. 

And this is just a really lovely look down the canal near my flat.


  1. I love that teapot! Maybe if you took in a trade? ;)

  2. Kyra Jensine - Brie and Cranberry - looks awesome, I love cranberries, but have to admit I would trade the Brie for a little dark turkey meat....;-) First thing I said to Your Mom was, "Nice Teapot"! Sounds like You are enjoying life.... ;-) ;-) :-) Love You

  3. Volunteering at a book launch sounds like lots of fun! Was the book anything that you would read?
