Sunday, 27 April 2014


Awaiting me when I returned home from London was a lovely surprise - a parcel from Megan! This being the parcel that she first told me she was going to send to me in September... but hey, she sent it eventually :P

CANADA! My favourite place!

(chocolate bunnies)

And finally, her legendary copy of Good Omens, which has been lent to many a friend...

... and which she got signed by Neil himself! Unfortunately, I had at this point rather given up on ever receiving this particular copy of the book, and had already read it (however, I am sure I can bring myself to reread it).

Thanks again Megan! You are awesome :) 


  1. What a great parcel. I love the sticky notes!

  2. i AM awesome!

    ~*~long time reader, first time commenter!!!~*~ [throws confetti]
